Get Started...

Select an option that suits your needs, whether it be from one of our 50+ locations nationwide or a Home Impression Kit.

How does it work?


First Impression...

Firstly we need to take impressions of your teeth. This can be done by using our Home Impressions Kit or book in for a Digital Scan at one of our 50+ UK locations.

Before & After 3D Visual.

Once we have your impression, our team will then create a before & after 3D visual showing you exactly what is possible with our Invisible Aligners!

Receive your Aligners!

Once we have received approval from yourself and the appointed Dentist that we can proceed. We will manufacture your Invisible Aligners. You will receive these in under two weeks!

Stay Connected with our Dentists.

Our dental team will monitor your teeth’s movements through our Scan Box, the scan box is connected to an app on your phone and utilises AI alongside our Dental Team letting you know when to move onto your next aligner.